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Let's face it, I'm pretty funny. But who cares? Not you, nor anyone at all, if my Google Adsense report is any indicator. Still, here we are. I know you're weary, but we've got tonight. Who needs tomorrow? Let's spend the time together before it all falls apart sensibly chucking at Mr. Salve's searing wit and devil may care attitude, shall we?


April 2018

First, the heartwarming scene when Donnie Dotard again became a father:

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2nd: The music press loves it when it bleeds. That's how criminals get free PR

and deserving artists don't: Exploitation of violence and greed.

3rd: Christian terrorists ruined America.

4th: In our book Trumpocalypse Not, we warned against Cambridge Anal. Now, it's front page news.  Fuck those robots.

5th: You ever see Donnie Dumps without his comb-over glued on?  (Shudder).

6th: I kicked Ted the bigot dingbat Nugent's ass all over the internet!


7th: Internet revolution in progress.

8th: New Olympic event: The Pissing Contest:

9th: The Dotard Show gets cancelled.

10th: Dickhead Don is a little nuts. You can tell by his hand size.

Kevin J Salveson is the founder of Ideas Million Dollar.


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